Tips for Treating Patients with Incontinence

Living with incontinence can be a difficult and embarrassing situation for both the patient and their caregiver. It is important to remain calm, compassionate, and understanding when helping someone manage incontinence. 

Fortunately, there are steps that caregivers can take to make it easier for patients to cope with incontinence and ensure they stay as comfortable as possible. Here are some tips on how to help patients in hospitals and nursing homes become more comfortable with their incontinence: 

  • Offer Absorbent Underwear 

Underx elderly incontinence products are specially designed for incontinence and can offer discreet protection against leaks while also allowing the skin to breathe. This can help reduce skin irritations due to moisture caused by urinary incontinence. This type of absorbent product is available in various absorbency levels and styles.

Ensure to change the incontinence underwear regularly in order to promote proper hygiene, absorb odors, and prevent any potential skin irritation. Tasks such as changing absorbent underwear or pads can often be delegated to the patient for ease of care. 

In addition, pad and brief-type incontinence products are also available. These products help to keep the skin dry and reduce bacterial growth in the genital area while also providing superior absorbency. 

  • Utilize Bladder Training Techniques

Incontinence patients may benefit from bladder training exercises that help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and reduce episodes of incontinence. Encourage your patient to practice regular pelvic floor exercises such as Kegels in order to gain better muscle control over their urinary function. 

  • Schedule Toileting Times

Schedules can provide structure and routine that helps individuals manage their incontinence symptoms more effectively. Establish regular toileting times and record the number of accidents that occur between these intervals. This can help to identify potential bowel incontinence patterns or common issues that can be addressed with further medical attention.

  • Adjust Diet

Dietary adjustments such as reducing caffeine intake and avoiding alcohol before bedtime may reduce episodes of incontinence. Encourage your patient to consume plenty of water during the day while avoiding large meals before bedtime, which can cause bladder discomfort. 

  • Implement Hygiene Practices

When helping someone manage incontinence, always wear disposable gloves and wash your hands afterward with soap and water. Make sure you dispose of used pads and gloves appropriately. 

  • Know When to See a Doctor 

There may be times when medical attention is necessary for issues related to incontinence, such as chronic constipation or persistent skin rash. If you notice any sudden changes in the person's condition, seek help from a doctor immediately. 

By implementing these tips and providing care and compassion, caregivers can make a huge difference in helping their patients remain comfortable while managing incontinence. 


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